Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Bigot

All I wanted to do was check the status of the Stewart Creek 2 Fire on the News-Miner website on Sunday, July 7, and succeeding days since I was concerned about evacuating from my home on CHSR, but I kept getting distracted by an alternating Blue Loon ad in the right-hand corner of the website promoting someone who may well be America’s worst bigot…or at least he would be in the running. That’s right; I’m referring to ‘comedian’ Bill Maher, who is scheduled to appear at the Blue Loon on August 23. Whether or not he is a true misogynist or simply reserves his hate and profanity for conservative women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman I wouldn’t know, but I do know that he is an anti-religious bigot and vocal enemy of children in the womb. But this letter-to-the-editor isn’t really about Bill Maher; it’s about my fellow Alaskans who are going to see him, and about their values. While they are laughing at his crude and obscene remarks directed at other Americans who hold certain views different than theirs, I hope they ask themselves if their attitudes really reflect the open-minded and tolerant world view they pretend to have. Civility transcends political ideology and personal beliefs. We can dislike people and oppose their agenda, but a decent and honorable people do not engage in filthy personal attacks. Unfortunately, Mr. Maher is neither decent nor honorable and his rap sheet of intolerance runs long and deep. I hope this community will give Bill Maher what he deserves when he arrives in Fairbanks for his show: empty seats.

(Submitted to the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner on 16 July, 2013)