Monday, February 1, 2016

Grope With Your Eyes, Not With Your Hands

The sexual assaults that took place in Germany and Sweden during New Years Eve (Cologne) and mid-August (Stockholm) have left me much to ponder. For some time now many disturbing signs have leaked from Europe painting a picture of increasing violence from foreigners and first generation Europeans (i.e. the brothers who killed the writers/cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo) who associate much more strongly with their religious heritage than with their host countries values. It has now emerged that perhaps hundreds of women have been sexually assaulted by serially groping by large groups of men (sometimes in packs of 20-30 or more), and a handful even raped - with much of this activity being coordinated. However, the frequent silence and downplaying of these kinds of alarming events from European politicians and the media would also lead one to think that it was coordinated. Fortunately, despite the initial police report from Cologne on New Year’s Day that read "Festive Atmosphere -- Celebrations Largely Peaceful" a more accurate picture appeared to be emerging with one eye-witness reporting of "horrific scenes in the Cologne train station" and of "crying women after multiple sexual attacks in the crowd." He wrote that he had been in the middle of the throng "hand-in-hand with my girlfriend, which unfortunately didn't prevent her from being repeatedly grabbed under her dress."   

It took a lot longer for the Swedish story to come out. As a matter of fact, it took the German story to bring it out. In both cases and in others it appears that hoards of young men of North African and Arabic descent pressed in upon these women aggressively groping them and in at least a few cases separating the women from their companions and raping them. This is apparently a well-known activity in certain Middle Eastern countries called “The Taharrush Rape Game”. South African-born journalist Lara Lugar knows all about it and on a 60 Minutes interview describes in vivid detail her horrific experience in Egypt when Mubarak fell during the so-called Arab Spring.

Reading about the incident in Stockholm was enlightening. I took note of how the journalist who ignored the story after she had been given an exclusive scoop on it recently felt “betrayed” when the psychologist who had shared the information with her finally went to a different source to air the story after the journalist sat on it since the summer. Why hadn’t she immediately written about it? When asked this question several days after the incident she replied that her editor thought it was propaganda being put out by a “far-right” political party. Of course, no evidence was forthcoming nor did this journalist repeat the claim after the Cologne story broke.

This prominent Swedish newspaper is not the only media outlet afraid of the “far-right”: they all are - or at least the ‘progressive’ ones are who control the vast majority of the media. In an article regarding the German situation the author writes: “Right-wing populists and extremists are positively celebrating what happened in Cologne as confirmation of their long-held beliefs about foreigners and their allies with the "lying press." Whether PI-News (PI stands for "Politically Incorrect") or Pegida, whether AfD or the neo-Nazi party NPD, whether the right-wing party ProNRW or the newly converted far-right snobs: All of those who wrote about Cologne reveled in the incident.”
There you have it: people who express concerns regarding Europe’s open-door policy of admitting people with very different cultures, religious experiences and practices, and concepts of government are all gleeful at the sexual assaults on European women so they can gloat. The writer quotes from “one of Germany's best known social researchers”, who says “that there must have been a critical mass of perpetrators with the same idea in mind”. He contradicts the German Justice Minister who spoke in terms of organized crime and says, “Organized crime has a stable structure with targeted and obscured courses of events. But in Cologne, we are looking at the absence of structure. I assume that the perpetrators coordinated using modern communication devices and social networks.” The social researcher goes on to warn against speaking of sexual attacks. "That trivializes the phenomenon," he says. "It's about violence. And violence is a demonstration of power -- in this instance, women's right to self-determination, in order to express their inequality."

So how does it come about that perhaps a thousand African and Arabic migrants in Cologne created the “critical mass or perpetrators with the same idea in mind” despite their “absence of structure” but still coordinated using modern technology in order to demonstrate their power through violence to show the inequality of women? If they are not all part of an organized crime network then what could possibly cause all these men to work in solidarity with each other? Is it possible that they are part of an organized ideological or religious network? If so, what is this ideological/religious network called?   

I believe that the Swedish journalist got to the crux of the matter regarding what is really important to the media elites and the politicians: themselves. Never mind the victims of sexual and other assaults by foreign men that are inundating Europe; what is important is maintaining control of the message and furthering the acceptable Western elitist narrative. But isn’t it a stretch to take the words of one journalist and apply it so broadly? I don’t think so, for it reflects an innate bias and inability or unwillingness to acknowledge the facts on the ground and learn from experience. The European elites in control have been more terrified that their “far right”, “racist”, “xenophobic”, and “Islamaphobic” nationalist political parties will gain power than they are of lawlessness and violence brought on by the sudden introduction of tens or hundreds of thousands of refugees who may have absolutely no intention of integrating and contributing to their host countries economies but more than willing to take their welfare. However, according to recent reports from Sweden and Finland that might be changing to some degree, but it’s hard to know if new policy changes enacted to control the flood of immigrants are in fear of migrants or of rival political parties.

"Is it for this that I donated half of the contents of my wardrobe? Is this the new Cologne? Is this the new Germany?" So muses the man who described the account in Cologne of not being able to protect his girlfriend of multiple gropings. Apparently yes, for as one asylum-seeker in Cologne reportedly said, "I'm a Syrian! You have to treat me kindly! Ms. Merkel invited me."

What I find remarkable about these terrible situations is not that they have been occurring, but how the Western world responds to them…or doesn’t. Then again, silence and suppression of information is a response, and there seems to be ample evidence today that European leaders and influential media outlets are not up to the task of informing their citizens of increasing threats or acts of violence from their large influx of “refugees” and the subsequent clash of cultures…nor to sometimes be able to protect them.

However, it’s good to know that the mayor of Cologne is concerned. She is so concerned, in fact, that due to their upcoming celebration of Carnival in February, she and her staff are trying to devise a plan to educate new migrants that the raunchy spectacles they will see is not an invitation for them to engage in more bad behavior. So I guess this means that the groping and rapes will diminish or disappear when the migrants understand that their new culture frowns upon such actions. I would like to suggest that the authorities make an unabashedly clear statement regarding their respect for women by putting up billboards in strategic locations that say, “Carnival: Grope With Your Eyes, Not With Your Hands”.  

What we have in Europe - and consequently in North America and most other developed nations - is an ideological crisis. These pushers of multiculturalism, “diversity”, and “non-judgmentalism” are seeing the fruits of their labor and are in denial that the fruit is rotten. Belief systems have consequences, but the ongoing crisis in Europe as well as some recent terrorism in the U.S. shows that many people in positions of power and influence don’t understand this. To them, the perpetrators of sexual crimes and other violent acts including mass murder are simply criminals or criminal gangs detached from a common link or cause. Even someone yelling, “Allah Akbar” while murdering fellow colleagues is only guilty of “workplace violence” in the United States.

The immigration crisis in Europe has nothing to do with young men from Arabic and North African countries. However, it has a lot to do with young men from Arabic and North African countries who adhere to a particular world view. It appears that almost no politician in any position of power over here or in Europe - and certainly no one in the mainstream media - is willing to differentiate asylum-seekers based on their belief system. Are all “refugees” involved crimes similar to those in Germany and Sweden (and continues to happen daily on a lesser scale throughout Europe) or only those with a similar cultural and/or religious background? Is the migrant crisis and related crime merely the product of a European system overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of asylum-seekers or is much of the problem located in ideology and the refusal of some people to adapt to the norms of their host counties and instead insist on changing their host countries to their expected political and religious norms? In the United States, nearly all our Syrian refugees are Muslim so it would be easier to answer this question if the powers-that-be really wanted truthful answers (non-Muslims are a minority in Syria, but even so the numbers of non-Muslim refugees to the U.S. is not at all proportional to their minority status). Is it the same for Europe, or are they more generous to persecuted minorities whom many believe are suffering genocide than is the so-called Commander-in-Chief of the U.S.A?      

These are legitimate questions that Europe, the U.S., and all Western nations must answer and answer truthfully…but won’t until forced to by the reality on the ground. I’m implying here that I know the answer - and I think I do - because the religious minorities fleeing death and destruction in Syria and Iraq have everything to lose by misbehaving in their new European host countries. It stands to reason that the last thing they want is to continue to be second-class citizens like they are in Muslim-dominated countries and be subjected to some form of sharia law. Of course, if people of good-will are lumped together with others from the same geographic location who look the same and speak the same but want to impose their religio-political ideology or at least live out the consequences of that ideology, then all bets are off. I doubt all refugees from Africa and the Middle East are created equal, and until asylum-seekers are analyzed through the lens of their motivating world-views instead of through the lens that motivates Western secular politicians and journalists the violence and chaos will only increase. The fact is, many of these “migrants” do not think like those of us in the West nor share some of our ethical and moral assumptions.

The power-brokers of the world and their radically secular and relativistic ideology have failed. There is no place for objective and rational thinking among people whose greatest interests include promoting “tolerance” and unlimited personal license. A people who are more concerned about allowing men to use women’s restrooms than the extermination of ancient civilizations (i.e. Assyrian’s) is perverse, but that is exactly where we find ourselves today. Unfortunately some individuals in power refuse to recognize reality because it goes against their ideology. When the president of the United States insists on relocating tens of thousands of Syrian refugees in America despite the link of refugees to Europe’s instability, is he acting rationally? Is he acting in good will for the safety and security of the country he is sworn to protect? Even if there is any doubt as to the degree criminality among asylum-seekers has occurred (as we in the West perceive criminal acts), it is at least completely reasonable to suspend the relocation until more facts emerge; but this president is not interested. Even Sweden - not exactly known as a bastion for right-wing extremism - appears to be losing their tolerance now that they have announced that they may be expelling up to 80,000 refugee seekers. That’s half of all the migrants they received in 2015 but still a very substantial number.