Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Blood of the Martyrs

Senator Mark Begich,
Senator Lisa Murkowski,

This is one of two messages that you will receive from me within the next several days. This one is in regard to the crisis in Iraq.

I have been horrified by the reports and the images coming from Iraq as it relates to the wholesale butchery and savagery that ISIS has been doing to their fellow countrymen (assuming most of them still are Iraqis) in the name of their brand of Islam. Beheadings, rapes, crucifixions, and all manner of atrocities are carried out daily by this evil group to Christians and other minorities in the area, and the U.S. and International response has been slow and tepid. Of course, these atrocities are not just limited to Iraqi’s themselves as the recent horrific murder of American photojournalist James Foley attests. ISIS is not just an Iraqi problem: it is an international problem. Targeted air strikes against ISIS and food drops for its victims provide very limited and temporary relief – and thank God the President finally authorized them for the sake of the Kurds and Yazidis a couple of weeks ago (even if he earlier ignored the plight of the Christians) – but these defensive measures are grossly inadequate for what is needed. I was opposed to U.S. military intervention in Syria because it became very murky attempting to distinguish rebel forces dedicated to establishing a democratic rule of law from Al Qaida forces (and later ISIL/ISIS) bent on severe Islamic state. The current situation in Iraq is much different. There is absolutely no ambiguity who the enemy is and what they are doing to establish an Islamic caliphate in their image. ISIS is an enemy of humanity. Period. The threat to raise their black flag over the White House may sound like hollow bluster to our Western ears, but the horror they are inflicting on the people in Iraq and Syria is sickeningly real. They are serious and they are disciplined. There is only one way to confront such an evil: recognize it, confront it, and destroy it. This means U.S. boots on the ground and more fire in the air – much more. The last thing Americans want is for our military to return so quickly to Iraq after pulling them out not so long ago, but I believe that anyone looking at this situation with open eyes understands the reality that it is qualitatively different than anything that has come before in the Middle East for a very long time, if ever. If the head of the ISIS serpent isn’t cut off now, the beast will only continue to grow in strength and influence and will further destabilize the Middle East and the world. People love a winner, even if that winner decapitates children, puts their heads on spikes, and kicks them around like soccer balls. Even now ISIS is drawing new recruits from around the world, including hundreds from the U.S. and U.K. If they are allowed to continue their murderous rampage relatively unchecked, they will only get bolder and stronger with the passage of time. Even now I am hearing our media discuss the threat of ISIS members with Western passports bringing their horrific skills back home. After all, James Foley’s murderer spoke with a British accent.

This is not strictly the United States’ fight, of course, but we share a strong responsibility for this situation and the U.S. is the only force in the world that can engage ISIS with a quick and powerful military message, and so we must. Our allies can be enlisted to help in various capacities, including militarily, but in the meantime American leadership must act on their own. There is no other option as the Western world can not dialog with people who cut children in half while forcing their parents to watch. What is required is bold leadership among Western leaders, and the United States must be out in front whether we like it or not. The world is looking for that leadership. The world is pleading for that leadership. Even the Vatican recognizes that serious military intervention may be in order to stop the ISIS atrocities. But can this U.S. President recognize evil for what it is, call it by name, and resolve to confront it? I am doubtful. Unfortunately, the “extremist” enemy he seems unnaturally fixated upon are not people engaged in crimes against humanity in places like Iraq but those who advocate for smaller government and lower taxes here in America.  

So I am asking you, Mr. Begich and Ms. Murkowski, to help our “Commander-in-Chief” recognize the grave threats posed by ISIS. Please encourage him to show courage in acting quickly, decisively, and overwhelmingly in stopping and pushing back the ISIS nightmare. This nightmare will keep reoccurring unless we wake up.  

Thank you.

Brendan Wolff

Fairbanks, AK