Perhaps the best way to
destroy a civilization is to destroy its past. Islamism (radical and militant
Islam) is doing this today - like they have in the past - by brute force in
using blunt instruments such as sledge hammers, power tools, and tractors to
deface, shatter, and bury thousands of years of history belonging to ancient
peoples such as the Assyrians. Killing the descendants of historic people and/or
scattering them to the ends of the earth completes the process of annihilation.
Once a people are uprooted from their native lands, are assimilated into other
cultures, and forget their indigenous language, their uniqueness as a people is
ended and their civilization is dead. Exceptions only occur if the newly
transplanted people don’t assimilate into the new culture, which explains why
Jews throughout the centuries have always kept their distinct identity (and why
they have been targeted throughout history because of their differences). This
method of killing a civilization is rather straightforward and should be rather
obvious to everyone. Now why Western
powers and the UN in the modern age allow ethnic cleansing, genocides, and
other civilization-destroying methods is another matter, but they do and they
There is an alternative and
completely novel method to destroying civilizations being employed today. This
way is not as intuitive and is more subtle than the brute-force method; maybe
we could call it ‘the surgical method’ for reasons that will become clear. It
is no less than the destruction of the bond between a man, a woman, and their children:
the family. Sundering the family unit in order to reform society is nothing
new. Plato realized this and sought in his Republic to take children from their
so he could build the kind of utopian society he was looking for. It’s
also what Aldous Huxley created in his dystopian Brave New World. But those are books; the reality is actually
playing out now. In order to advance to the next chapter of the sexual
revolution, marriage must be annihilated. Incidentally, the whole same-sex
marriage fraud is part of the plan: the elites pulling the strings want
complete sexual license and marriage interferes with that, and redefining
marriage further weakens the institution and therefore gets these elites closer
to their goals.
Marriage is judgmental. It
implies that sex has a meaning, a purpose, and an end. And it does. The ‘end’
are children, and children help to bring meaning and purpose into their parents
lives. No matter how research data is sliced and diced, it is unambiguous that
children raised with their biological mother and father fare better (and
usually much better) than those raised any other way (one parent, divorced and
remarried, gay parents, etc). This should be intuitive. No one has more at
stake for the welfare of their children than those who beget them, children
have a representative role model in mom and dad to model themselves on, and
children feel most secure with their natural parents. But common sense and evidence
be damned because we are careening toward
a brave new world. Since it isn’t
“fair” that marriage be limited to a man and a woman, it needs to be opened up
to anyone and everyone, no matter how absurd and ridiculous their “loving”
relationship is. Therefore, out go the meaning, purpose, and end of sex and in
come feelings (and irrationality). Marriage only based on a “loving commitment”
to another person will result in neither marriage nor commitment, but in
mockery and absurdity. It will collapse because marriage will be meaningless: which
is exactly what sexual liberationists want. Once the floodgates are open the
water will rush in. The adults will end up desperately splashing around but
it’s the children who will drown without any a true family structure.
The breakdown of the family
has been going on for a long time, but completely redefining the family is more
recent. It started with the pill and no-fault divorce but has advanced to
children being designed in the laboratory. And this is the ‘surgical method’ I
earlier referred to. While ISIS is using front
loaders to topple artifacts from ancient peoples, secularists are on the brink
of using science to create human beings without any history or heritage. I
cover this in my story The Third Adam
on this blogsite. Since certain new ‘marriage’ arrangements can’t conceive of
children in any natural way, they are turning to the laboratory to conceive
children for them. Therefore, thanks to science, same-sex couples may
eventually get (but never beget) children who are genetically related to both
of them, but only because sex-cells of one of them would have to be induced to
become cells of the opposite sex (is sexual complimentarity really that hard to understand?). However,
where the genetic chaos is
really going to happen is in applying recombination
techniques. Combining genetic material from multiple males and females to
create a unique human being with some traits from all of them is underway. As a
matter of fact, Britain ’s
parliament just approved such techniques. These laboratory children, many of
whom will be nurtured in surrogate wombs, will be the true orphans of society.
They may not have any actual mother or father or even be raised by those they
have the closest genetic link to (if any). They will be designer children
created for the pleasure of the elites and because scientists want to push new
boundaries. They will be a disaster, perhaps not because of the science and
technology after it is perfected (assuming it is) but because these children
have been ripped from the natural condition of man. They will have nowhere to
root themselves. They will not have a
mother and a father. They will not
have a heritage, or a culture, or any true self-identifying markers. There will
be no one like them in the whole world. This latter point is true for all of us
in that we are all unique individuals, but the rest of us have family, genetic
markers, and family trees to help us on our journey to self-identification. The
laboratory children will have very little to nothing to help orient them in
this world, for their genetic markers will not have natural counterparts. The
disservice to these people, however, will go beyond their need to
self-identify. It will be a hard enough struggle if they know their origins
while being raised in a traditional and stable family or even learn about their
‘history’ later in life, but as products of science experiments who will be
viewed more as products than a persons, many will not be raised in a best-case family
environment and will be further alienated.
Laboratory children will not
replace the natural way of creating children anytime soon, if ever (Brave New World
notwithstanding). But what is most disturbing about Western society at large is
the ongoing onslaught against the traditional family and the separation of sex
from procreation. According to Daniel P. Goldman in his book How
Civilizations Die, most
civilizations do not appear to have disappeared after being overrun and
destroyed by their enemies but because they stopped reproducing and became
decadent…then they got overrun and destroyed by their enemies. What is
important here is what happened first: the corruption of society. In many cases
societies appear to have stopped reproducing because they were busy chasing
their decadent pleasures and wanted to avoid responsibility. Sounds familiar,
doesn’t it? Europe has essentially stopped
reproducing. They are all below replacement level and will collapse without
immigration. And they’re getting them. Unfortunately for Europe
their immigrants do not want to assimilate and, unlike their hosts, they are reproducing. Their Islamic culture
will completely dominate their host’s culture within a number of decades, and
they will become the heirs to Europe ’s
cultural treasures. Sooner or later they will treat them with the same care and
reverence they are caring for the Assyrian’s cultural treasures. All I can say
is that I’m glad I’m alive today so I can enjoy them while they last.
The United States currently has a
different trajectory in that its population is stable. It’s growing more
Hispanic, but it’s stable. The greatest threat within America is
decadence, often in the form of the liberty to do any and all things sexual
with whomever they want, wherever they want, however they want, and whenever
they want without consequences - in other words, unrestrained sexual license.
The family has to go because it cramps their style, but in order to get there
they need to remove one barrier at a time. It really is an elitist issue. Their
access to sexual license means the degradation and impoverishment of working
class Americans. How so? The destruction of the family. It started in the 1960’s
with the sexual revolution (the pill, abortion, easy divorce) and has moved on
to “marriage equality”. Up to this point the elites of society have weathered
the storm rather well in maintaining stable marriages, but the working class
has been devastated…and they are the vast majority of Americans. Failed
families will increasingly affect the viability of this county. In his
and important book, Coming Apart,
Charles Murray spells all this out in a lot of detail. One would think that,
armed with clear data, our politicians would do their utmost to shore up
traditional marriage. But no. There is an agenda to fulfill, and while the
world burns due to Islamic violence the people of the United States rise up
because of a religious liberty law the governor of Indiana signed that might,
just might, discriminate against gays - despite the fact that it is based
almost entirely on a federal law and that the same or similar laws are on the
books in more than a dozen other states, and there does not appear to be one
instance in which it was used against homosexuals. But that’s beside the point.
Laws that might protect people of faith get in the way of the agenda. And part
of the agenda is, of course, complete sexual license of elitist Americans. The
dire consequences of the myopic world view of our radical secular leaders and
their supporters who chose to create domestic battles based on the artificial
rights of sexual orientation and reproductive “choice” instead of confronting
real-world threats to the health and well-being of our nation - whether they be
the degradation of the family or jihadi violence - may haunt us sooner than
I don’t think American
civilization will disappear anytime soon, but our nation might.